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Q: Which animals young are born in protective jelly which floats?
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How do you use the word instinctive in a sentence?

The fiercely protective behavior that mother animals have toward their young is instinctive.

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Because they are young so they think of them as babies. Animals instincts are to protect babies.

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Male moose (bull) is very protective of their selves and the female moose (cow) and very protective of their young (calf)

What is young ones of toad called?

Spawn (eggs in protective jelly laid in ribbons). Tadpoles, which develop into young toads. Therefore, the young are tadpoles!

Do horses care for their young?

Yes, very Protective

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Larva or Medusa

What adaptation do animals use to survive?

Animals use adaptation to keep up with the environment. Lets say jaguars. Competition for their prey goes up, and the competing jaguars have to fight for the food. Their adaptation of having a larger jaw and stronger paws could let them live. Then when they live they reproduce and pass that trait to their young, I hope this helped you.

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All animals feed their young.

Is Royal Jelly honey?

No. Royal Jelly is a substance produced by worker bees to turn a bee egg into a larva which will develop into a young queen.

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The best route for Galaxy Young GT-S6312 is the Jelly Droid.

Why is a spider I captured still carrying her egg sack with her?

Spiders are highly protective of their egg sacs. Many will become aggressive to protect them. She is a mother, like many other animals, and cares for her young. You should probably release her and let her raise her young in peace.