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area with older brick structures

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Q: Which area would likely suffer the most damage from magnitude 6.8 earthquake?
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What kind of structures suffer the most severe damage from an earthquake?

They mostly Suffer from Building, Houses, (ect.)

What kind of structures suffer the most severe damage from a earthquake?

Brick buildings.

Why would gardiner expressway be likely to suffer severe damage if you had earthquake in Toronto?

Because it has a solid plastic core inside of the concrete. This plastic creates extra vibrations in the gardiner when there is an earthquake and the gardiner would literally explode if a strong earthquake happened

How can a certain area suffer more damage in earthquake?

A certain area might suffer more damage in earthquakes. It is because that area might be near the epicenter.

How does a rubber suffer the most severe damage from an earthquake?

because it is getting to much pressure

Why does a underedevolped country suffer more from earthquake?

They can't afford to have earthquake proof buildings and so suffer more

Is there going to be another earthquake within the next 100 years in Kobe Japan?

It is possible for Kobe, Japan to experience another earthquake within the next 100 years as it is located in a seismically active region. However, predicting exactly when or the intensity of future earthquakes is difficult. It is important for residents to be prepared and follow building codes to mitigate potential damage.

What happens when your ferret dies and you bring them back to life?

Most likely it will suffer from severe brain damage and/or muscle deterioration. Better if you don't do it (if possible).

Did Clarksville suffer any damage from all the storms?

Most likely not. The name Clarksville does not appear on the list of storm reports from the recent severe weather events.

What type of earthquake did Haiti suffer?

It was a conservative earthquake caused by tectonic plates under ground, that rub together to make friction.

Did the titanic suffer bottom damage?

no they didn't

What is a hazard zone?

a hazard zone are places that suffer from earthquake all the time