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No, those who went straight to the gas chambers did not get a tattoo. However, all that were taken into the camps like Auschwitz had to have a tattoo put on their arm or chest.

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on the inside of their arm just above the wrist........................

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10y ago

This no doubt refers to the tattooing done at Auschwitz. Initially it was done on the chest, but soon it was changed to the inside of the forearm.

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on the left forearm. ~marie~

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Q: What part of the body were the Jews tattooed on during the Holocaust?
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What were the weather conditions like in the Holocaust?

The holocaust lasted six or more years. They had some of the worst winters ever during that time period. The prisoners would die from exposure, disease, dehydration and starvation. But, they were dressed in what is basically considered to be pajamas. Most did not have shoes or decent coats if they did have them. The summers were not nearly as bad but they still died from exposure and murder. (The holocaust spanned from the early 1930's until 1945 with the fall of Nazi Germany)

How do we know how many people died in concentration camps?

The numbers are estimates based on statements made by (1) those who ran the camps and (2) other evidence, where available. The number of Jews killed was determined as about six million by the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946. Actually, the Germans kept very good records. They wanted to document their success in 'improving' the human race to the world. During the fall of the Third Reich, many of the records were destroyed to prevent them from serving as evidence in the trials. Nazis did not keep correct records and Jews had numbers tattooed on them. Some of the names were hard to pronounce or write so often the German Officer would put down a short form. One of my girlfriend's father was a reporter (Jewish) and landed up in the concentration camp. His last name was King-Whittick and it's obvious his name would have been shortened to "King." They never did find his body and it is impossible to determine exactly how many Jews perished. It was not only the Jews, but Gypsies and any other person (even German) who went against Hitler and the Third Reich.

Who was governing body of Jews in Palestine?


How do you start an essay about the Holocaust?

Well, you start out by saying the date when the Holocaust started. For example In 1933 the Holocaust started Hitler killed all the Jews by tricking them.AnswerResearch the Holocaust.Select an aspect of the Holocaust to write about in the essay.Isolate your research to the chosen topic and compileyour information.Begin your opening paragraph with a brief description of the purpose of the essay.Utilize the body of the essay to support your discussion/argument.Write a closing paragraph which sums up all the points of the essay.

Why do some people still claim that the holocaust did not happen?

Holocaust denial is a form of antisemitism or Jew-baiting. What the Jews suffered in the Holocaust was terrible, and then to tell the remaining Jews and their descendants that it's "all in their heads" or a lie is odious.Most Holocaust deniers have a political agenda. They want to stir up hatred against the Jews and rehabilitate the Nazis.In some countries in the Middle East (where Holocaust denial is widespread) many Muslims believe that the Holocaust is used or misused to 'legitimate' Israel.The main purpose of denying genocide is usually to rehabilitate the perpetrators, in this case the Nazis, and to mock the victims and survivors. After all, neo-Nazis are well aware that the Holocaust and a host of other Nazi crimes and atrocities are abhorrent to all decent minded people.Denial of genocide is common - for example, many Turks deny that the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against the Armenians in 1915-1917.In World War 2 the Allies did nothing specifically targeted at disrupting tyhe Holocaust. There is a widespread assumption (for example in the US) that the guilt-ridden Allies established Israel after the war as some kind of consolation for the Jews. In fact, the key reason was that the British Mandate was about to expire and there was civil war in the British Mandate of Palestine. The United Nations opted for partition. If it's felt that Israel or "the Jews" or some Jews are exploiting the Holocaust it's perfectly possible to confront that specific issue without denying the Holocaust.The majority of Holocaust deniers refuse, by choice, to believe that the Holocaust took place. The motives of the denialists is to mock the victims, the survivors and to bait Jews. Of course, another motive is the rehabilitation of the perpetrators.See also the related questions below.People don't truly deny the holocaust and will often say it never happened simply to get a rise out of you.

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What did delouse mean during the holocaust?

It was the removal by various means of body lice

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nope she had sugery and it hurt

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They likely tattoo their new number but is not shown how they get their new number tattooed.

What parts of your body can you not get tattooed?

you can get tattoos wherever you want...there are none of the parts of the body that a tattoo can damage it

What creature does jana pittman have tattooed on her body?

a bumble bee (on her stomach)

Is any offense if an Indian national emblem tattooed on any person?

you can get indian national emblem tattooed, no problem with that. I have already got it. but condition is it should be on your upper part of body.

How many Jews were killed in the ovens?

Jews were not killed in incinerators during the Holocaust. They were gassed in showers, shot by firing squad, shot outside of a firing squad, electrocuted, had inhumane experiments performed on them, and succumbed to numerous diseases, but the Nazis did not incinerate live Jews. After killing a Jew by any of the above means, the dead body was then incinerated. It is impossible to know how many Jews were incinerated, but considering how many Jews went into the camps and how many came out, it is likely that half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust (if not more) were incinerated post-mortem.

Gorilla tattoo symbolize?

it's the symbol of someone who likes to have a gorilla tattooed onto their body.

Does Miley Cyrus have any ink on body?

Yes. She has the word ''love' tattooed into her right earlobe.

Who is the worlds most tattooed?

Lucky Diamond Rich, a performance artist as well as a tattoo artist from Australia, and I don't see how his record will ever be trumped. He is tattooed on every square inch of his body.