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Q: Which army regulation supersedes FM 100-14 concerning composite risk managemet?
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How can Managemet Information System help you in your job?

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What is Managemet?

Management is the art of getting done through and with people in formally organised groups.

An example of what is the difference between human resource management and personal management?

Answer Human Resource management is that you are being managed by someone within the company atmosphere. Personal managemet is when you manage yourself.

Without format create partition in harddisc?

You have to have unlocated space for that. Then click on my computer in start menu right button, choose manage. In Computer Managemet window disk management. You will see all your partions and unlocated space. Click right button on the unlocated space, and then create partion...

What is Collateral management?

Collateral Management: Collateral means , mutual agreement. Collateral Managemet is a line of busineed in banking sector , each investor will have collateral agreement on some mutual transaction. One of the example, Equity Derivatives. It provides interface to enter collateral data, and it has a master data of collateral descriptions and types. It maintains customer, collateral, and credit account relationships so the amount of idle collateral can be determined. It is usually packaged in an application or part of the core-banking application.

Difference between rdbms and dbms?

dbms stands for data base management system whereas rdbms is relational data base management system. A Database Management System (DBMS) is collection of software programs which enable large, structured sets of data to be stored, modified, extracted and manipulated in different ways. Whereas Relational Database Managemet System (RDBMS) is a data structured in database tables, fields and records. Each RDBMS tables consist of database table rows.

Management as the activity of running a company?

Management provides four things: 1. Focus: Like the Light a headlight on the front of a train; management illuminates the goals and the path forward. 2. Boundaries: Like the rails beneath the train; management sets the limits of deviation from the path forward. 3. Leadership: Like the engine of the train; management is out in front of the train absorbing the impact and setting an example. 4. Motivation: Like the motor of the engine; management provides the drive toward the goal. An engine in front of the train without a motor is like an empty suit or management that "just presides over the mess.

Discuss the limitation of Managemet Information System?

1) First of all, which I think is very important is the need of integration of all the functional areas of an organization. Management Information Systems (MIS) cannot work alone as a department itself. It needs to manage and use the data efficiently with the integration with other functional areas. One example would be that MIS gathers the data from the market research people, and then manage and categorize the data for different purposes for different departments, such as data for the Finance department to develop a budget plan, data for the HR department to do hiring and firing and others. 2)MIS would not fit and adapt in your organization in one night. It takes time. How long does it take? It depends on the size and ability of your IT department and whether you are using an open source, customized or from the shelf type of software. An ERP software might take up to 20 years to fit in for example. 3) MIS costs a lot of money. The cost of hiring a potential IT staff. You might also add in the training cost. The cost of the licensing of software and stuff. In MIS, there's risks. You might not earn back the expenses that you spend for MIS. If you do, the time varies. Some take 5 years to earn back what they have spent, some 10 years and some might even take 20-30 or longer to earn back what you have spent. Bottom line is, for a successful management information system plan, you need to do a careful system design and research to evaluate the best plan. Do not rush through it. MIS is not a short-term thing. It requires a lot of time and money. Therefore, careful planning and implementation is required.

Importance of strategic management in business?

Strategic management used to play a different role in more predictable times after the Second Word War. Strategic plans of the past usually range 3 to 5 years. Some companies could even have plans for 10 good years. That's not possible today given rapid evolution of our society. What still matters in strategic management lies in the value of planning ahead. There's an old saying that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. By acting on this, strategic management actually gives the organisation direction, a sense of identity and unity towards what the business goal. Therein lies the continued importance of strategic management towards business success. Every business has a vision and a mission. Strategic managemet takes into consideration both of these. Strategic management helps in achieving the organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner. Improved strategic management processes may also facilitate the development of the more complex management structural that are needed as firms grow. It also helps firms to articulate,communicate and monitor the implementation of strategy using a system interlinked with the longterm vision of the corporations.