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Q: Which artists made sun disk artworks featuring a horse-drawn chariot pulling the sun?
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How many warriors and stuff at the Terracotta Warrior Museum?

In the museum, besides approximately 8,000 clay warriors and horses, there are more than 10,000 bronze weapons found in the pits, and many artworks and treasures of Qin Dynasty are exhibited there, such as the bronze chariot with two horses.

Did the Babylonians invent the chariot?

The Chariot

When was the chariot invented?

The chariot was invented by the Mesopotamians

What do people ride in for chariot racing?

A... chariot.

Does Athena have a chariot?

Yes, she had a silver chariot.

What is a good sentence with the word chariot?

I'll see you at the chariot races! I am upgrading to a two-horse chariot.

What is the chariot a symbol of in swing low sweet chariot?

this -:)

What is the plural form of chariot?

The plural of chariot is chariots

What part of speech is chariot?

The word chariot is a noun.

What was the name of Shri Krishna's chariot in Mahabharata?

Kapi Dhwaja (The Chariot With Monkey Lord, Hanumana on it's flag)

What is a charioteer and his chariot?

A charioteer is a driver of a chariot and a chariot is like a horse and wagon but was primarily used for races in the Colosseum.