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In "Song of Myself," Walt Whitman celebrates the beauty of nature, the diversity of humanity, the interconnectedness of all living beings, and the power of the individual spirit to find truth and meaning in the world. He embraces themes such as self-discovery, equality, freedom, and the joy of being alive.

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Q: Which aspects of life does Walt Whitman celebrate in and acirc and 128 and 156Song of Myself and acirc and 128 and 157?
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Why does Whitman use questions such as Do I contradict myself?

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Who wrote song of myself?

Walt Whitman wrote song of myself. Published in Leaves of Grass.

The excerpt from song of myself by walt whitman is an example of A long line Anaphora Onomatopoeia A catalogue?

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Where is Walt Whitman in Songs of Myself?

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