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Q: Which beverages do not have tannin?
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Is tannin organic?

Tannin is a natural organic compound found in plant tissues, particularly in fruits, leaves, and wood. It is responsible for the astringency in beverages like wine and tea.

What is the thick bitter liquid called that is derived from soaking the bark of leaves of many plants?

The thick bitter liquid derived from soaking the bark of leaves of many plants is called "tannin." Tannin is a type of polyphenol compound that gives plants their astringent taste and is often used in tanning leather or in the production of certain beverages like wine and tea.

What does tannin mean?

Tannin solutions are acids responsible for the color and some flavor in tea.

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What is the difference between tannic acid and tannin?

Tannic acid is a type of tannin that has a specific chemical structure, while tannin refers to a larger group of compounds found in plant tissues. Tannic acid is a more specific form of tannin with stronger astringent properties.

How much tannin is in tea and Diet Coke?

Tannin in coffee contains approximately 90,000 ppm. Tannin is also found in other products including red wines and apple cider.

What are some other names for 'tannin'?

Other names for tannin include tannic acid, gallotannin, and gallotannic acid.

What foods contain tannin?

Foods that contain tannin include red wine, apple juice, apple cider, pears and red-skinned apples. Some people are sensitive to tannin and it can trigger migraines.

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What is the Chemical Formula for Tannin?

The chemical formula for tannin can vary depending on the specific type or source. However, in general, tannin is a complex mixture of polyphenolic compounds, predominantly composed of gallic acid units.

Are any teas that do not have tannin?

Real tea, that is tea brewed from the Camellia sinensisplant, contains tannin because the leaves of the plant from which tea is made contains tannin. "Herbal teas" (also known as "tisanes"),made from infusions of fruits or herbs may or may not contain tannin depending the nature of plant used, but most seem to contain tannin and in some instances the amount is greater than that of real tea. Lemon grass 'tea' is a tasty herbal tea that does not contain tannin if it is 100% lemon grass.

What is tanning in deep water wells?

You probably mean Tannin. And there is normally no tannin in deep wells. Only in shallow wells.