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Q: Which biome has the greatest percentage of migratory animals?
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What biome is the home to the greatest variety of grazing animals on earth?

Grassland biome has animals with grazing adaptations .

Which biome has the greatest diversity of living things?

The rain forest has the greatest diversity of animals and plants living in it. The ocean has the greatest biodiversity of any biome. The rainforest has the greatest biodiversity of any terrestrial biome.

Which biome is characterized by having no reptiles or amphibian and an abundance of migratory waterfowl?

This could the the artic, penguins are migratory and there are no reptile or amphibians there.

What problems do animals have in the desert?

The greatest problem animals in any biome have is human interference and destruction of habitat by humans.

Shrubland biome animals?

temperate woodland and shrubland biome animals and plants

Biome type that has lost the greatest percentage of its original area due to human activities?

temperate grasslands, temperate reforest, tropical dry forests and many islands.

What biome has the greatest diversity of organisms then any other biome?

Tropical Rain Forest.

What biome has more biological species than anywhere else on the world?

The ocean has the greatest biodiversity of any biome. The rainforest has the greatest biodiversity of any terrestrial biome.

How are the plants and animals found in a biome related to the biomes?

Plants and animals are physically well adapted for that area. Plants and animals that live in a specific biome share similar characteristics with other plants and animals in that biome throughout the world.

How does the variety of plants in a biome affect the variety of animals in a biome?


How are the plants and animals found in a biome related to the biomes climate?

Plants and animals are physically well adapted for that area. Plants and animals that live in a specific biome share similar characteristics with other plants and animals in that biome throughout the world.

The biome with the greatest number of species would also have the greatest variation in what?
