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Q: Which biome type had the lowest yearly rainfall?
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A biome is best described as a major type of ecosystem with what?

distinctive rainfall temperature and organisms

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Where in the greater Vancouver area is the lowest amount of rainfall?

Type your answer here... white rock

What type of soil does the Savanna Desert have?

The savanna is not a desert. It is a distinct biome, a transition zone between a desert and another biome. It receives more rainfall and has more vegetation than a desert.

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What type of biome does amsterdam have?

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In what type of climate was the largest yearly temperature range recorded?

The taiga is the biome with the largest yearly temperature range. Winter temperatures range between -65 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Summer temperatures range between 30 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Europe has a butthead biome

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Miami is an urban biome

What type of Biome is St Petersburg Russia?

Taiga Biome

What type of biome does the white tiger prefer?

The white tigers biome would be the tundra biome.