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No because, if they did their wings wouldn't catch air,and their wings need air or they won't fly.ere's only one bird that can fly upside down and that's the hummingbird because or their wing's angle structure but the other birds won't be able to fly upside down because of their wing's angle structure.not all birds are very smart

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Many Birds of Prey (raptors) do when practicing hunting methods. Peregrine falcons are the classic upland example.

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American flamingo

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A chickadee

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Q: Which bird holds its beak upside down while feeding?
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The cere is the bird's beak. It is used as a feeding device for the bird and as a defense mechanism.

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Dixon Lanier Merritt is credited with writing the poem "A proud bird is the pelican His beak holds more than his belly can." The poem humorously describes the pelican's beak capacity.

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What do birds uses their beak for in pictorial form?

Birds use there beaks for many things. Some of the purposes of a birds beak are eating, cracking, prying, feeding there young, building, self defense, and more.

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What features of a hummingbird make it adapted for its style of feeding?

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