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It is the cuckoo (Latin name: Cuculus canorus).

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13y ago

The European Cuckoo and the female parasitic cuckoo lay there eggs in the nests of other birds.

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Q: Which bird is known to leaving its eggs in other birds nests?
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What is the symbiotic relationship between cowbirds and other birds?

Cowbirds lay their eggs in other birds nests, leaving the young to be raised by the host species.

Which bird is famous for laying its eggs in another bird's nest?

Cuckoos and cowbirds are famous for laying their eggs in other birds' nests, and leaving the chicks to be raised by the other birds.

How and why do cows birds sneak their eggs into other birds' nests?

Cow birds are very lazy so they sneak there eggs into other nests so the other bird can watch over the baby cow birds. So that is why cow birds hide there eggs in other birds nests

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No. Kakapo make their own nests and do not share them with any other birds.

What is interesting about how the common koel and cuckoo bird raise their chicks?

The common koel is a member of the cuckoo family: thus, the way they raise their chicks is the same. These birds are known as 'brood parasites'. This means that they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving the other birds to raise the chicks once they hatch.

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The Weaver Birds are a social breed. They build large nests and allow other species to settle down. Their nests hold up to 100 birds.

Which birds lays eggs in other birds nests?

In North America, cowbirds do this. In Europe, it is a type of Cuckoo that does this.

What are three animals other than birds that build nests?

Three animals other than birds that build nests: wasp, turtle, gorilla.

What owl uses nests of other birds?

barn owls

Do owl build their own nests or the nests of other birds?

Owls do make their own nests.In fact they look alot like birds nest's but bigger.

What does a gyrfalcon use as a home?

Bare cliff ledges or the abandoned nests of other birds. They do not build their own nests.

Which other birds than cuckoos lay eggs in other birds nests?

Nightingale lays eggs in the Crow's Nest.