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blood group AB.

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Q: Which blood types can receive blood fram the largest number of other types?
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Which of the blood types can receive blood from the largest number of other blood types?

Blood AB.

Which blood type is able to receive the largest number of other blood types?

blood group AB.

Can a person with type o blood receive blood from largest number of other blood types?

The only type O can receive from is O. O - can only receive from O -, but can donate to A, B, AB or O, either + or -. O + can receive either but can only donate to A, B, AB or O Rh +.

What blood type should each kind should donate to and receive from?

Blood group A can donate and receive blood from blood group A. Blood group B can donate and receive blood from blood group B. Blood group AB can donate only to blood group AB and receive from any other blood group (they are universal recipent) Blood group O can donate to any other blood group ( they are universal donor) and can receive from only blood group O.

Why can a person with A positive blood receive A negative blood - but not the other way round?

Well, they can receive blood both ways. A pos to A neg and vice versa.

Why can people with blood group ab receive blood from other blood groups but cannot donate to them?

People with blood group AB can receive blood from other blood groups but cannot donate to them because of antibodies carried on the red blood cells of group AB donors that would destroy the red cells of a blood recipient from another group.

A person who has which bloos types can recevie bloos from the largest number of other blood types?

type O- blood group AB+ is a universal recipient.

What can a person with type B blood receive?

a person with O+/- blood can only receive O+/- blood respectively. O+ can give blood to any other + blood type, and O- can give blood to anyone.

Blood 0 plus can receive what type?

O blood type can only receive blood type only from O, and blood type O can give blood to all other blood types, but obly receive blood from it self General Rule : O is general donnor but limited receiver.

How is Type A negative blood special?

It is special because it can only receive negative blood and blood products. If the people receive any other type it can be fatal. Negative blood is high but the supply is low.

Can individuals with Type AB blood may receive transfusions from individuals with Type O- blood?

Yes- the AB blood group is known as the 'Universal Recipient', since they can receive blood from any group. Blood group O is known as the 'Universal Donor', since all other blood groups can receive this type, but people with group O can only receive from other group O types.

Can a person with type a blood receive blood from a person with type ab?

Yes, and this person can also receive blood from blood group type A and 0. If there are complications it is probably due the an other type of blood group, the rhesus blood group.