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Q: Which blood vessels are in close contact with body cells?
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Why are leydig cells located close to the capillaries?

because they are hormone-secreting and so they have to be in close contact with blood vessels

What is the main function of the capillaries?

Capillaries are one-cell wide blood vessels. They allow intimate close-contact with muscle and other body cells with red blood cells. It is in capillaries that oxygen exchange occurs. In close contact with muscular myoglobin, adult hemoglobin releases its oxygen and myoglobin picks it up.

What are platelets and what is its function?

Platelets are nuclear cells rotates the blood and get rid of blood clots.they release protein , and close up the tear in the blood vessels..

Why are there blood capillaries close to all the cells in your organs?

You have 100,000 feet of blood vessels in your body. The tinest ones must be close to the cells. Each cell needs a constant supply of oxygen and glucose and other nutrients and must have means to remove wastes that they make.

What do you call the small vessels that are close to your cells?

one of them is the capillaries

What is the advantage of the structure of the lung tissue?

The tiny sacs insure that the maximum area of tissue can be in close contact with the blood vessels to facilitate gas transfer

Does close circulatory systems have blood that does not flow in defined blood vessels?

no it doesnt

Close examination of an organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells The layers do not contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells is open to the internal cavity of the organ This ti?


How does your pulse beat?

When the heart beats it causes blood to flow through the blood vessels which causes them to expand. This expansion can be felt by touching the vessels that are close to the skin.

What in the respiratory system warms and moistens inhaled air?

The epithelium of the respiratory tract contains mucous cells which adds moisture and there are blood vessels close to its' surface that add warmth to the air.

What part of a blood vessel closes the wound?

Blood vessels don't close off wounds. Parts of the blood(platelets) clot and close off wounds.

What is the function of the blood platelets?

Platelets help close breaks in damaged blood vessels and initiate formation of blood clots.