

Which body of water is between Egypt and southwest Asia?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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The Red Sea.

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Q: Which body of water is between Egypt and southwest Asia?
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Egypt straddles both the continents of Africa and Asia and, specifically, the regions of North Africa and Southwest Asia.

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The Atlantic Ocean is a formal factor that connects Egypt to Africa to Europe and to the southwest Asia.

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Most of the population in Southwest Asia is located where there is water.

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Egypt became the most powerful state in southwest Asia.

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During the New Kingdom, Egypt created an empire and became the most powerful state in Southwest Asia.

What countries are in North Africa and Southwest Asia?

Egypt by the looks.

What body of water is located between is located southwest Asia and southeast Asia?

The Indian ocean is the general body of water that separates Southwest and Southeast Asia. However, there are also a number of seas (like the Arabian Sea), gulfs (like the Gulf of Aden), and bays (like the Bay of Bengal) that lie between Southwest and Southeast Asia.

What Egypt ruler conquered an empire in southwest Asia?

Tutmose III

Is India in southeast Asia?

India is actually in South Asia. Some of the countries in Southwest Asia are Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq.

Where to find dikes and canals in Southwest Asia?

There are no dikes or canals in Southwest Asia as those things would require an abudance of water, which Southwest Asia lacks.

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Iraq and Egypt