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The Capitate and the Trapezoid

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Q: Which bone of the distal carpal row is the most medial?
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Related questions

What is the smallest carpal bone?

The trapezoid is the smallest carpal bone in the distal row. It's also the 2nd most medial.

Which carpal bone can be palpated as a projection distal to the styloid process of the ulna?

The styloid process of the Ulna (one of the bones of the forearm) is where the Ulna connects to the ligament of the wrist joint. The Triquetrum, Lunate and Pisiform carpal bones all lie distal to this. However the carpal bone most easily palpable is the Pisiform bone.

Distal process on medial tibial surface?

The distal process on the medial tibial surface is the "medial malleolus".

What is the most medial bone of the orbit?

The Lacrimal bone.

What is big toe bone called?

The big toe bone is called the hallux. It is the innermost (most medial) toe of the foot, and is made up of the proximal and distal phalanges.

Is the ulna medial?

The ulna is not a midline structure. It is, however, the most medial bone of the forearm.

What is the most frequently fractured carpal bone?


is the humerus medial or lateral?

The ulna is medial. It's important to remember anatomical position when determining the directional terms for the lower arm.

What is a fracture of the distal end of the fibula?

The distal ends of the tibia and fibula are the malleoli (singular malleolus). The tibia has the medial malleolus, and the fibula has the lateral malleolus.

What is the total number of carpals in the wrist?

There are eight carpal bones in total, arranged in two rows. Naming the bones form the most lateral to medial, in order, they go Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, and Hamate. The first row of bones, except for the Pisiform bone articulate with the radius at the wrist joint :)

How many bones are there in tarsal?

the bones that make ankle joint are tibia (shin bone), fibula and talus. the rest of the bones listed below are bones of footTarsals: Talus - is the most proximal tarsal bone. It has a smooth, rounded joint surface that articulates with the tibia. Calcaneus - this is the largest, most posterior tarsal, the one that forms the heel. The Achilles tendon attaches to this bone Navicular - is another boat-shaped bone like the carpal of the same name. It is on the medial surface of the foot, just distal to the talus. Cuboid - is a bone that is roughly cube shaped. It lies lateral to the navicular. Cuneiforms first, second and third - are three small stick-like bones. They articulate with the proximal phalanges of the medial three toes. Their identifying numbers increase from medial to lateral like the metatarsals, but don't get their first, second, third designation mixed up with the I, II, III naming of the metatarsals.Metatarsals: Metatarsals I to V - warning, these bones are numbered differently from the metacarpals. The big toe side (medial) is I and the little toe side is V (lateral). These bones form the anterior part of the arch of the foot.Phalanges: Proximal phalanges - as in the hand, the foot has 14 phalanges. Again, they are individually identified with a Roman numeral (I-V) and the designations proximal, middle or distal. The proximal phalanges articulate with the metatarsals. Middle phalanges - this one is absent from the big toe. Distal phalanges - these small phalanges are found in the tips of the toes.There are seven bones that make up the tarsus.

What forarm bone articulates with most of the carpals?

The radius articulates with more of the carpal bones than the ulna.