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parietal bone

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Q: Which bone of the skull does not have a sinus?
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What is an air space in the skull of the bone called?


What is the sinuses in the maxilla?

maxilla is the bone in the skull formed by the fusion of two bones called maxillae, when this maxilla articulates with the other bones in the skull , a space is created called the maxillary sinus , these are two in number one on each side left and right. there are other sinuses present in skull also like ethmoid sinus, sphenoid sinus, etc.

If you hit your head and it makes a hollow sound what does that mean?

It means your head isn't solid bone. It really means you have a skull that resonates as a result of your head shape, and sinus cavities in the front of your skull.

What is the function of the ethmoidal sinus?

The ethmoidal sinus helps strengthen the skull.

What bone is palpated when touching the forehead?

In your skull there are 29 bones. The main ones that make up the forehead are the Frontal bone and the frontal sinus although the forehead is just referred to as the Frontal. The two bones that make up the skull are the Cranium and the Mandible although both of these contain other bones.

What is the bone that protects the skull?

The skull is a bone. The skull protects the brain.

What Cavity is enclosed by the skull?


Which bone can of the skull can move?

which bone of the skull canmove

What serves as resonant chamber and reduces weight of skull?

sinus (paranasl sinus)

They make the skull less heavy and probably act resonance chambers for?

somebody answer this question fast!!

What bone protects the brain?

the bone that protects the brain is the skull.

The skull is composed of two main bone divisions and facial bone?

The cranial and facial bones