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One type of bone is called a flat bone and the other is a long bone. These are bones like your ribs, your shoulder blades, thigh, shin, and hip bones.

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Q: Which bones make red bone cells?
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What is the tissue that is in your bones that make up red blood cells?

bone marrow

Do flat bones produce red blood cells?

no. Blood cells are only formed in bone marrow. Flat bones do not have bone marrow.

How do red blood cells and bones work together?

blood flows around the bone to make more cells

What kind of bones make blood?

Bone marrow. Bone marrow is where blood cells are created. Only long bones (with the "hole" in the center) have bone marrow in them. So leg bones and arm bones make blood cells, but rib bones or skull bones do not. So those short, solid, irregular-shaped bones do not create blood cells.

Are red blood cells produced in bones?

Red blood cells, in order to store more hemoglobin to carry oxygen, don't have a nucleus that can make repairs. So red blood cells only last, on average, 120 days. Because they constantly need to be reproduced and your bones, believe it or not, are very well vascularized, it seems like a pretty good place to store the marrow to make more red blood cells.

What is the soft tissue found inside bones which make red blood cells?

Bone marrow.

Where are red blood cells and white blood cells produced?

In the bone marrow

Where is bone marrow and what does it do?

Bone marrow is found in the long bones of the body and also in the pelvic bones. The long bones are the femur, which is the thigh bone and the humerus which is the upper arm bone. the pelvic bones are the hip bones. The center if these bones contain the marrow and this is where the red blood cells are made. Red blood cells transport oxygen around the body to all other cells. Red blood cells live for 120 days. They are destroyed in the spleen.

What part of the bone helps make red and white blood cells?

Red blood cells are made in the Blood Marrow.

Red blood cells aremade from what bone?

They are made from red bone marrow of long bones.

Does skeleton store red blood cells?

Store? No. However, the bone marrow, the spongy stuff INSIDE the bones, does MAKE red blood cells.

What human bones make red blood cells?

Flat bones. Like sternum, skull bones, part of the hip bone like ileum.