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Q: Which boy helped the little ones reach fruit on the trees in lord of the flies?
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Related questions

What is the first living thing reach to the space?

they were fruit flies

Where could even the laziest boy find an easy meal in Lord of the Flies?

In the bushes picking fruit were they could reach it easily.

Why were the littluns suffering from stomach aches and a sort of chronic diarrhea in lord of the flies?

Most of the littlun suffered from a form of chronic diarrhoea and stomach-aches. The main reason for this was that they could only reach and eat fruit which was growing within their reach. This meant that they often ate unripe and poor quality fruit.

When does Ralph display kindness in Lord of the Flies?

He helps them get the fruit off the tree's which they cannot reach

How do you kill fruit flies?

One of the things I have used was taking a plastic bottle pouring some vinegar in the bottle and leaving the top a little on. If not cover with plastic food wrap and poke holes on the top the flies will be attracted to it and drown in the vinegar

Which animal uses its long beak to reach fruit?


What causes fruit flies?

Habitat accessible by strong-flying, wind-dispersed adults and conducive to creating, depositing and hatching eggs in food-filled, mating-friendly niches is what causes fruit flies. The insects in question need access to decaying, organic-rich sweets, such as fermenting fruit, for feeding larvae and to dry darkness for protecting pupae. They then need opportunities, after four days each in larval and pupal stages, to mate two days after emerging from pupation.

When does a flower begin to change stamen into a fruit?

When the pollen grains reach the ovary.

What is the heaviest fruit?

The pumpkin is the heaviest fruit. It can reach an astonishing 600 kilo grams which is same as the combined weight of eight adult men.

How do you beat full moon on cool math?

jumping for joy and fun to reach fruit

Is it true that flies live their full lives in a 24 hour span?

The average lifespan of an adult housefly is approximately 15 to 25 days. Since they can complete their lifecycle in as little as seven to ten days, flies typically live between 22 and 25 days from egg to death.

Was the underground railroad succesful?

Yes, it was. It helped countless people reach freedom.