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The Upper House of the Legislative Branch (aka US Senate) can reject any high level appointment of the president such as a federal judge, ambassador or cabinet member. (The president is allowed to make certain lower level appointment without approval )

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The senate in the legislative branch can reject the federal appointments made by the president in the executive branch.

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the Legislative branch may reject and confirm appointment

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The Legislative Branch

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Q: Which branch can accept or reject appointments made by the executive branch?
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What branch of government has the power to appointments of federal government?

The Senate.

What branch can appoint judges and ambassadors and reject these appointments?

Appointed by Executive Branch, approved or rejected by Legislative branch

What are two similarities between state legislative branch and the federal legislative branch?

1. They are both bicameral 2. They approve or reject job nominations/appointments made by the executive branch 3. They override vetoes by the executive branch 4. They both have a senate

What branch can reject the appointment of judges?

executive branch

What are Two similarities between the state legislative branches and the federal legislative branches?

1. They are both bicameral 2. They approve or reject job nominations/appointments made by the executive branch 3. They override vetoes by the executive branch 4. They both have a senate

In US government which branch appoints the members of the Judicial Branch?

The President (Executive Branch) appoints judges and justices of the Judicial Branch with the advice and consent (approval) of the Senate (Legislative Branch). Both branches must participate in order to complete an appointment.

In a presidential form of government what branch appoints the members of the judicial branch?

The President (Executive branch) nominates US Supreme Court justices, with the "advice and consent" of the Senate (Legislative branch), which votes whether to confirm or reject the nominee. The House of Representatives is not part of the Supreme Court appointment process.

How does the legislative branch check the power of the executive and judicial branch?

congress (or the legislative branch) checks the executive branch (or the president) by: 1) actions can be declared unconstitutional 2) 2/3 over ride by each house 3) impeached checks on the judicial branch (or the courts) by: 1) approved by the congress 2) impeached

What body has the power to accept or reject a presidents nomination in to the supreme court?

legilslative branch

What branch can veto bills?

The branch of government that can veto bills is the executive branch, typically represented by the President. Once a bill is passed by the legislative branch (Congress), the President has the option to approve the bill by signing it into law or reject it by vetoing it.

How does the legislative check the executive branch?

Through the veto power.

What branch can veto or reject a law made by another branch?

the executive branch can veto law made by the legislative branch, but the law can still be passed by a two-thirds majority vote by both houses in the legislative branch.