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The Legislative Branch represented by - the State Legislature - the County Councils - the municipalities electedofficials.

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Q: Which branch of Ohio's state government makes the laws?
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What branch of state government makes laws for that state?


Which branch of government makes federal laws?

The legislative branch of government makes the federal laws and state laws.

Is state legislature and state government same?

Yes. State legislature is the body that makes laws for the state government. They are one branch of government.

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What branch makes a state of the union address each year?

The president, who heads the executive branch of government, makes a state of the union address to Congress every year.

What branch of government is the State Representative in?

The branch of Government who makes the law is the Congress/ Legislative Branch. Some of the powers they have is to coin money, taxes, and to declare war.

What branch of government makes sure state and local law follow constitution?

That would be the judicial branch.

What does the 3 branches of government do pertaining to the United State government?

Legislative branch makes the laws. Executive branch enforces the laws. Judicial branch interprets the laws.

What branch of government can make a state of the union address each year?

The President makes the state of the union.

What is Ohios state nickname?

The Buckeye state.

What is the excecutive branch of government?

The excecutive branch of the government is the President. You know, the one who makes vetos the laws or passed them. The laws he passes are national; NOT state laws. And there's your answer.