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Q: Which brass instruments make buzzing sounds?
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Which brass instruments are played by buzzing your lips to make a sound?

trumpet, French horn, trombone, and the tuba.

What are the differences between brass and woodwind instruments?

Brass instruments tend to be made out of brass or other metals/alloys. Woodwind instruments have reeds, which makes a different sound to the brass instrument (in simple terms you have to blow raspberries into to make a sound- it is a little more complecated than that, but its hard to explain).

How do all instruments make a sounds?

All Musical Instruments create sound by means of vibration. For wind instruments, the vibration derives from air passing over a mouthpiece, or from lips buzzing into a mouthpiece. For string...

Why do you use brass instruments even if we already have percussion?

Well because brass and percussion instruments have different sounds they can be combined in order to make music more interesting and have a different sound than each one would have individually.

What instruments use a buzzing sound?

If your talking about what instruments you need to be able to make a buzzing sound with your mouth to play, that is usually any brass instrument that uses a circular mouthpiece. Its that buzzing that reverberates inside the instrument causing the sound to be altered and amplified. Saxophones fall into the 'Woodwind' category even though they are made of brass because they use the vibrations caused by air passing over their reeds to produce sound.

Give examples of loud and soft instruments?

Loud instruments are the brass horns and electric guitars... soft is harmonica and klimba and glockenspeil.

What do brass instruments have?

"Cup" style mouthpieces that you purse your lips and blow into, rather than putting your mouth around them.All brass instruments produce sound by sympathetic vibration of air in a tubular resonator in sympathy with the vibration of the player's lips. All brass instruments are also called labrosones, meaning "lip-vibrated instruments".

What are the similarities and differences between wind and brass instruments?

One difference is that woodwind instruments use a wooden reed to form the mouthpiece. The reed sits at the back of the mouthpiece (on the bottom lip) and vibrates against the rest of the mouthpiece to help create the sound. Brass and woodwind instruments are both played by blowing into them (or over them in the case of the flute). Brass instruments do not have any moving parts that vibrate to create a sound. They merely amplify the sound created by the players lips vibrating. Woodwind instruments have a reed that vibrates except for the flute which splits a column of air to make vibrations. Brass instruments change their pitch by changing the length of tubing which the air passes through. Woodwind instruments change their pitch by changing the where the air escapes from the instrument.

How does a brass instrument make noise?

Brass instruments are different from all the other instruments in that the person playing is solely responsible for the sound of the instrument. Brass instruments require the player to buzz their lips in the mouthpiece. This sound reverberates throughout the instrument and produces the sound that comes out of it. This differs from other instruments, where the player makes part of the instrument vibrate (i.e. reed, string, drum head). The pitch of brass instruments is then changed by changing the frequency of the vibrations created by the lips. If you buzz your lips at a higher pitch, the instrument plays a higher note. The opposite is also true. Buzzing your lips at a lower pitch creates a lower note.

Why do you have to buzz your lips to make a sound on a brass instruments?

Just like reed instruments, brass instruments need some sort of vibration to make music. Reed instruments use the vibration of the reed against the mouthpiece. Brass instruments need the vibration of the embouchure to make a pure sound. wind or air just passing by,,in the open or in a tube, like a trumpet etc will make SOUND (making music is another thing) but it has a very weak soud or note, its when it vibrates that it creats full or intended sound, you use the buzzing procedure to induce the air to vibrate and produce sound . The quicker you produce the buzzing the higher the pich of the sound. ie. if you produce a "buzzing" effect of 250 cycles per second you produce the note Do,Ut,or C in English, if you are able to make the air vibrate 440 times per second you produce the note LA , A in English. Hoiw do ypou produce a higher note , pitch? by stretching the lips, this causes it to vibrate faster... difficult? you bet..It takes years of practice to master it,,

What material is used to make a trombone?

Most trombones are made of brass hence the name brass instruments.

Brass and wind instruments make sound by vibrating strings?