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Axon Terminals

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Q: Which bulb-shaped structures found at the end of neurons form connections with the dendrites and somas of other neurons and allow information to pass from neuron to neuron?
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Which branching structures carry information toward the cell body of a neuron?


Is dendrites a structure of a neuron?

Yes, dendrites are the input structures of a neuron.

What are the 3 main structures of a neuron?

Dendrites, Axon, Axon Terminal, and Cell Body

What are the root like structures of a nerve that receive impulses and conduct them to the cell body?

The dendrites are the root-like structures of a nerve that receive electrical impulses The dendrites then conduct the impulse to the cell body. Dendrites are root-like structures of a nerve cell that receive impulses and conduct them to the cell body.

What is dendrites function?

Assuming that the question is What is the function of the dendrites? The answer is: Dendrites receive incoming information from axon terminals.

What are the neuron structures that carry impulses to the cell body called?


What are the two types of structures carry out transmission functions?

its dendrites and axons

The part of the neuron that has branched extensions that are specialized to receive information are the?

dendrites. Dendrites are specialized structures on a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. They play a crucial role in integrating information from multiple sources to determine the neuron's response.

From what two places does the nervous system receive information?

From the dendrites and axon.

The tree like structures on a neuron are called?

the neuron is composed of 4 parts the cell body which contains the nucleus the axon which carry the information and the terminal button which distribute the neurons the dendrites which are the branches that come out.... the dendrites receive the signal.