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Fish, and then amphibians, and then reptiles, and then mammals

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Q: Which came first fish or amphibians or reptiles?
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What came before the fish amphibians reptiles and dinosaurs?

Fish, reptiles, and amphibians, originated in that order during the Paleozoic era.

Were flying reptiles the first amphibians?

No. Reptiles and amphibians are two different orders and animals and amphibians cam first. Simply put, the first amphibians evolved from fish and the first reptiles evolved from amphibians.

What came before the dinosaurs?

Fish, then amphibians then to reptiles then so on...

Which came first invertebrates or vertebrates?

Vertebrates came first... all of those other creatures are vertebrates.. prior to the evolution of the spine (vertebrae) there were no fish, reptiles, mammals birds... nothing like them..

Which three vertebrates groups have the same body temperature as their surroundings?

The three Vertebrate groups that have the same temperature as their surroundings are Fish, Reptiles, and Amphibians. That means they are all cold blooded.

What has the most in common birds fish amphibians reptiles and mammals?

reptiles and amphibians have the most in common

Are sharks amphibians mammals or reptiles?

Sharks are neither amphibians, mammals or reptiles. Sharks are fish.

What shows the order in which vertebrates evolved?

1:fish 2: amphibians 3: reptiles 4: birds 5: mammals

What is the order which vertebrates evolved?

Fish - amphibians - reptiles; and from the reptiles birds and mammals.

What groups of the reptiles amphibians and fish divided in to?

They are all vertebrates, and the reptiles and amphibians belong to the tetrapods because they have four legs.

Are turtles amphibians or fish?

All turtles are reptiles.

Is a Platyus a fish amphibians reptiles?

It is actually a mammal.