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Gamma rays will always pass through your body.

X-rays will pass through normal muscle, fat etc; but are stopped by denser structures like bone.

Beta particles (electrons or positrons) depending on their energy will not penetrate the top layer of skin or clothing, but with the highest energy can penetrate about 1cm into tissue.

Alpha particles (Helium nuclei) are heavy particles that are stopped by a few centimetres of air and so unless there is contact with a source will not penetrate the skin

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13y ago
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13y ago

Most likely not. Alpha rays are weak and can be stopped by paper or a few centimeters of air, beta rays are medium but gamma rays can pass through human body

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No - they travel longer - they are more penetrating

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12y ago

No, they are blocked by tissue as thin as one sheet of paper.

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14y ago

yes, they can

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13y ago

No, they are just too big and heavy

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Q: Does alpha particles pass through the human body?
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Can alpha particles pass through the human body?


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Radioactive particle that is harmful to human beings?

Radioactive particles include alpha beta and positron they are not so harmful for human body the actually harmful are gamma radiations associated with these particles.

Why are reactions that emit alpha particles generally considered more safe than those that emit beta particles?

Alpha particles are actually electron-less helium nuclei versus beta particles which are actually electrons, which are much smaller than alpha particles. Therefore, alpha particles' penetrating strength is much smaller than beta particles (a sheet of paper versus a wooden board). Therefore, beta particles will penetrate more into a human body and will do more damage than alpha particles which are usually stopped at the skin.

What form of ionizing radiatin can penetrate deeply into body tissue?

Gamma radiation, X Rays

Why are alpha radiation are more dangerous inside the body than outside the body?

Because in the body alpha particles interact directly with the organism cells.

Why do alpha and beta particles cause more damage if they are inside the?

Because alpha and beta particles do not have enough power to pass into the body, but they do more damage than gamma rays once they are inside the body.

How far can alpha particles from Thorium-232 decay travel in body fluids?

Alpha particles with energies of 4.0 MeV from Thorium-232 decay can travel less than 28 microns in body fluids.

Why materials that emit alpha radiation are more dangerous inside the body than outside?

Because in the body alpha particles interact directly with the organism cells.

Why are radioactive elements which emit alpha particles more dangerous outside the body than inside?

It is the opposite. Radioactive elements which emit alpha particles are more dangerous inside the body than outside. Alpha particle radiation could be stopped by skin. So, is not dangerous outside the body. However, any contamination by those radioactive elements if got inside through mouth, or any other means, then the alpha particle radiation could be harmful to the very delicate inside body tissues.

Why is alpha radiation more dangerous than beta rediation when the source of the radiation is inside the body?

Alpha radiation cannot get pass through our body as it cannot penetrate through things. Beta can penetrate through things better than alpha. So if alpha is inside our body then it cannot get outside our body and therefore it becomes dangerous.

What type of damage can alpha particles do to the body?

If Alpha Particles are inhaled, ingested (swallowed), or absorbed into the blood stream, alpha radiation is exposed to sensitive living tissue. The biological damage results in the increased chances of cancer, particularly lung cancer which is caused when alpha emitters are inhaled.