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A catalytic system commonly used for the bromination of toluene is a combination of elemental bromine (Br2) in the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst, such as iron(III) bromide (FeBr3) or aluminum bromide (AlBr3). These catalysts help facilitate the electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction by activating the bromine molecule for attack on the aromatic ring of toluene.

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Q: Which catalist can be used to bromination of toluene?
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Is toluene will under go bromination?

Yes, toluene will undergo bromination. When treated with bromine in the presence of a Lewis acid catalysts such as FeBr3 or AlBr3, toluene will undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution to form bromotoluene as the major product.

What results will you get if you add bromine in toluene?

When bromine is added to toluene, bromination of the aromatic ring can occur. This reaction can lead to the formation of mono- or poly-brominated toluene derivatives, depending on reaction conditions. Products may include ortho-, meta-, or para-bromotoluene isomers.

What is the role of acetic acid in bromination?

Acetic acid is used as a solvent in bromination reactions to help dissolve the reagents and facilitate the reaction. It also helps in the regeneration of the catalyst needed for the bromination reaction to proceed. Additionally, acetic acid can help control the reaction conditions and improve the selectivity of the bromination process.

Where could one read information about catalist?

You can read information about Catalist Digital online at the Catalist Digital Website. You can find information on Terms of Use, Access and Use of the Catalist Digital Services, User Reviews, Comments and much more.

What are the two most important reagent for the conversion of nitro toluene to toluene?

From what the internet shows, you convert toluene into nitro-toluene, not the other way around. Further, the reagents used to do that are generally things that will allow the toluene to oxidize.

Can chloroform be used instead of toluene or xylene?

No, chloroform is not typically used as a substitute for toluene or xylene. Chloroform has different chemical properties and is not as commonly used as a solvent in the same applications as toluene or xylene. Additionally, chloroform is more toxic and poses greater health and environmental risks compared to toluene and xylene.

Are there any isomers of toluene?

Yes, toluene has three isomers: ortho-toluene, meta-toluene, and para-toluene. These isomers have different arrangements of the methyl group relative to the benzene ring.

What has the author James Alexander Pincock written?

James Alexander Pincock has written: 'The bromination of acetylenes' -- subject(s): Acetylene, Bromination

Why is toluene in hexane used in uv calibration?

Toluene has clear absorption peaks at 266 nm and 269 nm. Hexane is only the solvent.

Is toluene is used as mobile phase with alumina as stationary phase?

No, toluene is not commonly used as a mobile phase in chromatography with alumina as the stationary phase. Toluene is more often used as a mobile phase with silica gel or reversed-phase columns. Alumina is typically used with solvents like hexane or ethyl acetate as the mobile phase.

What is the formula for toluene?

C6H5CH3 is toluene.

Is toluene evaporates from water?

Toluene is not miscible with water; toluene is released by slow evaporation.