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The cell plasma.

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Q: Which cell componant provides the medium for chemical reactions?
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What nutrient provides the medium for chemical reactions to take place?

Many chemical reactions occur in water solutions. But a reaction can be realized also in solid or gaseous phase.

What is used as a medium for a chemical reaction?

Generally water is used as a medium for chemical reactions.

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Why is the water important to the cell?

Because it provide's medium for many chemical reactions.

What is the chemical property of sodium bicarbonate?

Sodium bicarbonate is a weak base. It is used in chemical reactions where low basic medium is required.

Why is water important to human?

Water is known to be a universal solvent which work as medium for many chemical reactions. Water is so necessary for human or other living beings as it provide medium for many chemical reactions to take place which are essential for living and also it constitute the major part in blood, and excreation removal.

What is differential medium?

A single substrate that discriminates between group[s of microorganisms on the basic of differences in their appearance due to different chemical reactions.

Why is water important to the cell?

just cuz it is thts all u need 2 kno!!

What is the Most important chemical to support life?

Water is the most important chemical to support life. It is essential for various biological processes such as hydration, transportation of nutrients, and waste removal. Water also helps regulate body temperature and provides a medium for numerous biochemical reactions necessary for life to thrive.

What will happen in 100 years to a 7 lb rock?

The form of "a 7lb rock" in 100 years varies according to reactions: - Chemical Reactions: - chemical properties of the rock(i.e: includes salt), - the behaviour of the medium it is kept(i.e: humid or dry environment, solvent materials), - Physical Reactions: - External forces applied to the rock(i.e: acceleration), - Inertial forces of the rock. (i.e: surface tension).

Important functions of water include?

a) provides cushioning b) acts as a transport medium c) participates in a chemical reactions d) acts as a solvent for sugars, salts, and other solutes e) reduces temperature fluctuations

Solutions are the preferred medium for carrying out reactions because _______.?

both of these