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cell respiration

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Q: Which cell process provides an organism with energy by breaking down nutrients?
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In metabolism two basic processes occur Which process is involved in breaking down nutrients?

In metabolism, the catabolic process involves breaking down nutrients. More specifically, the Krebs Cycle breaks down the nutrients.

Is photosynthesis an organism?

No, photosynthesis is not an organism itself. It is a process that plants, algae, and certain bacteria use to convert sunlight into energy.

What is the process of cells breaking down nutrients to get energy is called?


Which describes the process of one organism killing another organism in order to obtain nutrients?

Predation describes an organism killing another organism for nutrition.

Which term describes the process of one organism killing another organism in order to obtain nutrients?

Predation is the process of one organism kills another organism in order to obtain nutrients.

How are the words nutrient and nutrition related?

The word "nutrient" refers to a substance that provides nourishment, while "nutrition" is the process of obtaining and consuming nutrients to support growth and health in living organisms. Nutrients are the components of food that provide nourishment as part of the nutrition process.

What is the process of breaking down food by an organism when there is not enough oxygen present?

Anerobic respiration

What is the process by which an organism obtains food is called?

The process by which an organism obtains food is called feeding or nutrition. It involves the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients from the food source to meet the organism's energy and growth requirements.

Where is the energy and ATP produced?

Energy and ATP are produced in the mitochondria of cells through a process called cellular respiration. This process involves breaking down glucose and other nutrients to generate ATP, which is the primary energy currency for the cell.

How do the microbes damage the food?

Microbes are decomposers. And they will begin the process of removing nutrients from food by breaking down the food.

What process is the total of all the chemical reactions in an organism?

Metabolism is the process that encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism. It involves obtaining nutrients, converting them into usable energy, and removing waste products.

A process where elements or other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another?

This process is known as the food chain or food web, where nutrients and energy are transferred from one organism to another through consumption. It plays a crucial role in sustaining life within ecosystems by regulating the flow of energy and nutrients.