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Cells that are actively dividing are most sensitive to radiation damage.

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cells that divide slowly

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Q: Which of the following cell types are at least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage?
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Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage?

cells that divide slowly

What types of cells are most sensitive to radiation damage?

The ones with the shortest (normal) lifespans - like skin & the lining of the gut.

How can radioactive fallout affect the human body?

The high energy particles (alpha and beta radiation) and electromagnetic waves (gamma radiation) damage large molecules in cells, which usually kills or badly damages the cells themselves. If cells die on such large scale it can lead to multiple organ failure. radiation damage to skin cells often becomes a sort of burn. In smaller doses radiation can still damage DNA, which can lead to cancer.

The photoreceptor cells are very sensitive to damage from light?

True the Photoreceptor sensory cilia are the light sensitive parts of the rods and cones in the eye's retina

The damaging effects of radiation on the body are a result of?

Radiation has two primary bad effects: mutation and cellular damage. Radiation has been shown to be a strong mutagen; that is, to cause a much higher level of random changes during cell mitosis (replication/reproduction). As the odds that a mutation are harmful are much higher than it being beneficial, radiation will generally cause a large number of bad mutations to occur. This usually results in some form of cancer. Direct cellular damage is also possible from radiation. This is due to radiation being able to break DNA and RNA strands, not just cause mutations in them. Thus, radiation can directly lead to premature (or, even immediate) cell death.

Related questions

Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage?

cells that divide slowly

what cells types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage?

Cells that do not have a nucleus

Which type of radiation is most likely to damage DNA ionizing or nonionizing?


How do you use the word ionizing in a sentence?

Some air cleaning systems work by ionizing and trapping dust particles. Ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays, can severely damage living cells.

What is an Radiation Sickness?

Radiation poisoning, also called radiationsickness or a creeping dose, is a form of damage to organ tissue due to excessive exposure to ionizing radiation.

Why is ionizing radiation dangerous?

Ionizing radiation by definition is radiation with a high enough energy to remove electrons from their orbits. This is dangerous because it emits x-rays, damages tissue, can cause long term damage like cancer, and heats things up.

Does removing body hair with laser cause cancer?

No. Laser hair removal uses non-ionizing radiation (which means it doesn't damage DNA) so it can't cause cancer. We're surrounded by ionizing radiation every day. Other examples of non-ionizing radiation include visible light and radio waves.

Cell types are most sensitive to radiation damage?

Cells that are actively dividing are most sensitive to radiation damage.

Can the mobile phone really damage your private part if you have it in your pocket?

No, absolutely not. The phone emits radiation -- but not the bad kind. It emits the same kind of radiation as your flashlight or radio, it's not going to damage anything. The "bad kind" of radiation (ionizing radiation) can damage your "private part", but there's none of it in your phone.

Is UV visible and IR range considered non ionizing radiation?

No of course not.answ2. Light and heat are ordinary EM (electromagnetic) radiation.Ionizing radiation is sufficiently energetic to remove parts of an atom, and to thus ionize it.The UV from sunshine may damage the molecular bonds, but this is not ionizing radiation.

What are some of the health risks of radioactivity?

Depending on the amount and duration of exposure, exposure to ionizing radiation carries with it risk of:radiation burnshair loss"radiation sickness"cancerreduced life spangenetic damage

Why radiation is dangerous?

Radiation, which comes in a couple of harmful forms, can be either electromagnetic or particulate. The dangerous electromagnetic radiation includes X-rays and the more potent gamma rays. Particulate radiation takes a number of forms which include alpha, beta, proton and neutron radiation. All these forms of radiation are what are called ionizing radiation. The ability of this radiation to penetrate varies, but the energies carried by ionizing radiation can damage genetic material within cells. This can result in cellular damage, mutation or even the death of the cell. Biologic material is seriously threatened by these types of radiation, and exposure should be minimized if not completely eliminated.