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The centroid - where the medians meet.

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Q: Which center of a triangle is also the center of mass?
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What is the center of mass of an equilateral triangle?

Center of mass of an equilateral triangle is located at its geometric center (centroid).

What will be the center of mass of triangle of height from the apex?

it would come down to the type of triangle.

Which center of a triangle is also the center of gravity of the triangle?

orthocenter* * * * *No it is not. It is the centroid - where the medians meet.The centroid.

Is the median the center of balance of triangle?

Yes and no. Each median divides the triangle into two such that for any point on the median, the mass on one side is balanced by the mass on the other. But the mass ahead of that point may or may not balance the mass behind. It is the point of intersection of the medians - the centroid - which is the centre of mass or centre of balance of the triangle.

The center of gravity of a triangle solid with uniform thickness and density is at the intersection of the of the triangle?

The center of gravity of a triangle can be found by adjusting the thickness. You also need to find the density at the intersection.

The medians of a triangle intersect at a point called the?

Center of gravity of the triangle * * * * * Also known as the CENTROID

What is the main difference between center of mass and center of gravity?

The main difference is that center of mass refers to the average location of mass distribution in an object, while center of gravity refers to the point where the force of gravity can be considered to act on an object. In a uniform gravitational field, the center of mass and center of gravity coincide.

What is the center of mass vertically for an isosceles triangle with base b and height h?

2/3 * h

What is center of gravity of a triangle?

The center of gravity of a triangle is its centroid. The centroid of a triangle is the intersection of the three medians.

What is the point of concurrency of the medians of a triangle that is also called the center of gravity?

The Centroid

Were does gravity pull you?

Toward the center of mass of the object or objects attracting you. Gravity also pulls it/them toward the center of mass of you.

What will be its mass there if a body of mass 10kg is taken to the center of the earth?

The mass of the body will remain the same at 10kg when taken to the center of the Earth. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object that does not change based on its location.