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Melting and evaporation of water. They both absorb energy to increase the internal enthalpy.

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Q: Which change of state causes cooling to the atmosphere?
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Do change of state make cooling causes particles to get closer together and materials?

does boiling causees change of state do the particles in amaterial become closer

Explain how a change in thermal energy causes matter to change from one state to another. Give two examples?

It causes matter to change by turning water into gas which is vaporization. water into ice and burning wood into ash.

How do heating and cooling cause physical changes in matter?

Heating and cooling change the state of the matter. For example, at room temperature water is a liquid but if you heated it becomes steam; a gas. If you freeze it it becomes ice; a solid. Hope it helps xx

Difference between sensible heat and latent heat?

Sensible heat is heat supplied or taken away and causes an immediate change in temperature without changing the state. While latent heat is heat supplied or taken away and causes a change in state without change in temperature. This difference can be applied to the certain properties of water/steam. This is called the thermodynamics properties of steam.

Difference between latent heat from sensible heat?

Two forms of heat are relevant in air conditioning:1. Sensible Heat2. Latent HeatSensible heatWhen an object is heated, its temperature rises as heat is added. The increase in heat is called sensible heat. Similarly, when heat is removed from an object and its temperature falls, the heat removed is also called sensible heat. Heat that causes a change in temperature in an object is called sensible heat.Latent heatAll pure substances in nature are able to change their state. Solids can become liquids (ice to water) and liquids can become gases (water to vapor) but changes such as these require the addition or removal of heat. The heat that causes these changes is called latent heat.Latent heat however, does not affect the temperature of a substance - for example, water remains at 100°C while boiling. The heat added to keep the water boiling is latent heat. Heat that causes a change of state with no change in temperature is called latent heat.Appreciating this difference is fundamental to understanding why refrigerant is used in cooling systems. It also explains why the terms 'total capacity' (sensible & latent heat) and 'sensible capacity' are used to define a unit's cooling capacity. During the cooling cycling, condensation forms within the unit due to the removal of latent heat from the air. Sensible capacity is the capacity required to lower the temperature and latent capacity is the capacity to remove the moisture from the air.

Related questions

Do change of state make cooling causes particles to get closer together and materials?

does boiling causees change of state do the particles in amaterial become closer

What causes a change in state?

Matter causes a change in state

How can you make a material change its state?

Often you can make a material change state by heating or cooling it

Why is change of state important to air conditioning?

The refrigerant change of state is what causes the heat transfer. The refrigerant is a low-pressure liquid when it's in the evaporator, which absorbs heat from the air, cooling it. The absorption of the heat causes the refrigerant to boil (change state from liquid to gas). The gas is then brought to the condenser in the front of the car where it cools (rejects heat out) and condenses back to a liquid.

Why did the early atmosphere change?

deu to change of state of environment wheather of that atmosphere, evaporation is high and such bring about rainfall and the cloud of that atmosphere changes.

What does the principle of the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers state?

Evaporation causes cooling.

Change of what causes a change of state?

Temperature or pressure

What must you do to a substance to get it to change its state of matter?

That is done by either heating or cooling.

What causes a change in state of matter?


What causes a change of state of matter?


What causes a change in state from liquid to gas?

thats evaporation and heat causes it

How do you change one state of matter to another?

You change one state of matter to another by heating the matter or cooling it [aka] adding energy or removing the energy