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Hi, by this I assume you mean that you want to know which changes of state produces heat (raise the air temperature) as this temperature change is the removal of energy from the system. (Also called an exothermic reaction).

To remove energy from a change of state bonds must be formed between molecules therefore going from gas to liquid, gas to solid or liquid to solid are all exothermic and remove energy from the system.

If you mean removal of energy from the air therefore decreasing air temperature then it is the other way around.

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The change of state that requires the input of thermal energy is the transition from a solid to a liquid, also known as melting. This process requires energy to overcome the forces holding the particles together in a solid structure.

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11y ago

Sublimation, melting, and vaporization are three changes of state which require energy.

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Q: Which change of state requires the input of thermal energy?
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