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they find out just after the party he crashed.

benvolio tells them

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They were probably told this when they were children. They knew it before they met, because the moment they find out who each other is they identify each other as enemies.

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Q: Which character in Romeo and Juliet reveals that Romeo and Juliet are from enemy families?
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Who reveals what actually happened to the parents of romeo and Juliet?

Friar Laurence reveals to the Prince and the Capulet and Montague families what happened to the parents of Romeo and Juliet. He discloses how he was involved in the romance between the two lovers and the tragic events that led to their deaths.

What is the beginning situation for the main character of romeo and Juliet?

to different families cant be together

Who is the main character in Romeo and Juliet. Is it romeo or Juliet?


What are the families who are feuding in romeo and Juliet?

Romeo's family are the Montagues. Juliet's are the Capulets

What race was Romeo?

he was a blackniggaman, that's why there was problems with him banging Juliet But seriously: Romeo was a white European, as were Juliet and all the main characters in Romeo and Juliet. (Offhand I can't think of a non-white character in Romeo and Juliet) The problem was that Juliet and Romeo belonged respectively to the two main noble families in Verona, which were deadly enemies.

Who were the two families in Romeo and Juliet?

Capulet (Juliet) and Montague (Romeo)Montagues and Capulets

What would you say a main character in Romeo and Juliet?

ummm romeo and juliet? idiot..

After Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love at first sight who tells each of them the other's identity?

Juliet's Nurse tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet, while Romeo's friend Benvolio reveals to Juliet that Romeo is a Montague.

Who is Abby in the movie romeo and Juliet?

There is no character by this name in Romeo and Juliet.

Why is it important that Juliet does not know Romeo is there in the garden listening?

Juliet reveals her private thoughts that she would not have told romeo to his face

Is Tibold related to Juliet?

No, Tibold is not related to Juliet. Tibold is a character in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," while Juliet is Romeo's love interest. Tibold is Juliet's cousin and a key figure in the conflict between the Capulet and Montague families.

How did the nurse reveal about Romeo and Juliet?

The nurse reveals to Juliet that Romeo is banished from Verona. She also gives Juliet a ring that Romeo sent as a token of his love. She advises Juliet to be patient and wait for Romeo to come back to her.