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Q: Which character pf waves remains same when it goes from one medium to other?
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What waves require a medium and what waves do not?

Mechanical waves require a medium (substance) to travel in, other waves do not. For example, sound is a mechanical wave and require a medium (air, water, etc.), light is not a mechanical wave and does not require a medium

Do sound require a medium?

Sound waves need a medium to propagate. Light-waves and other electromagnetic wave (radio, xray) do not.

When waves travel from one medium to another what does not change?

The character frequency would never change

Waves that do require a medium are called?

Sound waves, they need a medium to vibrate.A2. Earthquake waves and other mechanical waves also need a medium for their transmission.Ghv. Tsunamis are a type of mechanical wave, which is the kind of wave you're looking for.

Electromagnetic waves differ from other types of waves because they are?

..not reliant on any medium.

How do you use as if in a sentence?

The principle of superposition is that when two or more waves travel in a medium each wave travels in the medium as if the other waves were absent.

Due mechanical waves need a medium to travel through?

Yes, mechanical waves do need a medium in order to travel. Other waves, such as light, do not (thus they can travel through space).

Is a medium necessary for a wave to travel?

No not really. Sound waves are mechanical waves. They require a medium for propagation. On the other hand, Light waves are electromagnetic and do not require a medium. Hence you cannot hear in space. AND light waves reach the earth from the sun through space- which is a vacuum!!

what do most waves require?

It needs the medium to help it travel. Other examples include water waves, seismic waves, and waves traveling through a spring. Electromagnetic waves are waves that can travel through a vacuum (empty space). They don't need a medium or matter.

Is sound a medium wave?

No. Waves that require a medium to travel in are called mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves are not mechanical waves and do not require a medium.

What type of wave requires no medium to travel through?

Waves need not require medium to travel through. Only Mechanical waves like sound waves require medium to travel through. Electromagnetic waves travel in vaccum like light waves. Some waves transmitted in a medium due to disturbances in the medium .

Why does there have to be a medium for waves to travel through?

There does not have to be a medium. Light does not require a medium. Mechanical waves require a mediumAnswer 2:Not all waves require a medium for their transmission. Mechanical waves require a medium for their transmission because it is the molecules of the medium which cause the wave to propagate. However, electromagnetic waves do NOT require a medium. (for example light)