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Believe it was Babel, later known as Babylon.

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Q: Which city god changed the language of all the people?
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Which city god changed the language of all the people Bible?


How was language produced?

well, it should be relatively clear that the very first language was natural, and then as people spread and the population grew, the language the answer would be that all the languages are from the original language

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yes they did even if Greece was separated into many city-states

How do you change the language on your Gmail?

The language of Gmail can be changed easily. The language for all google products can be edited in a single place. It can be done on Google Language settings page.

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No. "Hebrew" is a language, not a person. The people living in Jerusalem today Speak Hebrew and Arabic.

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Yes.No. They stoled the idea of Greeks, and developed into English, Latin and more. And please if you people out there trying to answer a question don't just give one word of YES. Give a lil more detail... CAUSE WOW! I LOATHE FINDING AND FIGURING MY ANSWERS WHEN THERE IS NO FUDGING ANSWER ON WIKI!!! And if you want more information of the mosaics,

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All women and people whose parents were not born inside the city were denied citizenship in ancient Athens.. Different laws were replaced, changed, added and deleted as the city advanced.

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all people have, for the better or worse, intentionally or not

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