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Q: Which colonial leader argued that the Boston Massacre was a fight for American liberty?
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What colonial resistance and British counter measures prompted the Boston massacre?

The Sons of Liberty and other colonists' opposition to the Townshend Acts as week as the arrival of British troops led to the Boston Massacre.

What were some important events in colonial North Carolina before the American revolution?

The Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the pamphlet "Common Sense."

What did the Colonial leaders use the Boston Massacre killings as?


What event did colonial leaders use as propaganda?

Boston massacre

How do you describe the boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was a battle between Britain and American colonists.

How many Americans were there in the Boston massacre?

Five people (all American?) were killed in the Boston Massacre. There were 11 Americans killed in the Boston Massacre

Which colonial leader etched an image of the Boston massacre which ws used as propaganda?

The famous engraving of the the Boston Massacre was etched by Paul Revere.

How did Paul Revere's engraving of the Boston massacre increase support colonial independence?


How did paul revere's engraving of the Boston massacre increase support for colonial independance?


Which black person was killed in the cause of American independence?

Crispus Attucks is typically believed to be the first black person to die in the cause of American liberty. He was a casualty in the Boston Massacre.

Who was the leader of colonial protests against taxation in Boston?

sons of liberty

Were the American colonists completely innocent in Boston massacre?

The American Colonists were not completely innocent in the Boston Massacre because they were the ones who started the massacre by throwing ice and snow at the British Soldiers