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George Robert Twelves Hewes was one of them.

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Q: Which colonial revolutionary led the colonists who disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians during the Boston Tea Party?
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Which colonial revolutionary led the colonists who disguised themselves as mowhawk Indians during the Boston tea party?

sons of liberty

How does a colonial representative government protect the colonists from an abuse of power?

Colonists protected themselves from abuse of power by forming a representative government.

How might Colonial America have been different if the Native Americans had united against the colonists?

If Native Americans had not united with the colonies then the colonists might have lost the Revolutionary War.

What president was the leader or the colonial armies during the war of independence?

George Washington was leading general who won the Revolutionary War for the colonists.

How can mercantilism be used in a signifance sentence about colonial life?

Britain had something to do with mercantilism, and they used the colonists to benefit themselves.

Who had final authority over the colonists?

Who had the final authority over the colonists, royal governors, colonial legislatures, citizens themselves, the English monarch

What were some economic hardships during the Revolutionary War?

shortage of goods, prices of beef and wheat doubled, the colonists face an inflation, and there was a falling value of colonial money

Why were the American colonies largely left to govern themselves?

England was busy fighting wars and had little time to pay attention to colonial laws. Therefore, the colonists largely governed themselves.

Why were the Ameriican colonies largely left to govern themselves?

England was busy fighting wars and had little time to pay attention to colonial laws. Therefore, the colonists largely governed themselves.

What effects did colonial boycotts have on trade between the colonists and England?

colonial boycotts hated the colonists and England traded

Why did the colonists omit some of the colonial actions in the declaration?

Why did the the colonists choose to omit se colonial actions in the declaration of independence

What did people do to entertain themselves in rhode island?

In Colonial America people in Rhode Island entertained themselves by visiting other colonists. This was a common Sunday activity. They also attended many church events.