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a metal and non-metal

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A combination of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) atoms results in the formation of sodium chloride (NaCl), a white crystalline solid. When dissolved in water, NaCl dissociates into sodium ions and chloride ions, allowing the solution to conduct electricity.

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Q: Which combination of elements results in the formation of a white crystalline solid that dissolves to form a solution that conducts electricity?
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What happens when an ionic compound such as table salt dissolves in water?

When an ionic compound like table salt (sodium chloride) dissolves in water, the ions in the compound separate and become surrounded by water molecules in a process called hydration. This allows the ions to move freely in the solution, leading to the conduction of electricity and the formation of a homogenous mixture.

Do ionic compounds dissolve in water conduct electricity because they break into gases that move freely?

Ionic compounds dissolve in water to form ions, which are charged particles that can conduct electricity. When an ionic compound dissolves in water, the ions separate and can move freely to carry an electric charge, allowing the solution to conduct electricity. The process does not involve the formation of gases.

What reactions with water lead to the formation of caves with limestone?

The reaction of carbon dioxide in rainwater creates a weak carbonic acid, which dissolves limestone over time. This process, known as carbonation, leads to the formation of caves in limestone formations. Over thousands of years, the acidic water dissolves the limestone, creating underground tunnels and chambers.

A white crystalline salt conducts electricity when it is melted and when it is dissolved in water Which type of bond does this salt contain?

The salt likely contains ionic bonds. In an ionic bond, electrons are transferred from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of positive and negative ions that are attracted to each other. This allows the salt to conduct electricity when melted or dissolved in water due to the presence of free-moving ions.

When ethyl amine dissolves in water what solution is produced?

When ethylamine dissolves in water, it forms an alkaline solution due to the presence of the amine group. The amine group can accept a proton from water, resulting in the formation of ethylammonium ions and hydroxide ions, which contribute to the alkaline nature of the solution.

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Why are metals such good conductors?

because of their high density. They are good conductors of electricity because their crystalline formation allows negative flowing neutrons to pass through

How are particles in crystalline solids arrange?

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What has the ability to bond water to itself?

The cause is the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules.Any hydrophilic molecule that dissolves in water make H-bonding with water molecules

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its because of micro crystalline ice formation at high altitudes due to exhaust gases (Vapor) from the aircraft engine

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Diamond is a mineral, commonly found in crystals, and used as a gem.

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The coalescence process involves the combination of smaller droplets into a larger droplet. This can occur when smaller droplets collide and merge due to surface tension forces. Coalescence is important in cloud physics and industrial processes where droplet size plays a critical role.

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there is no purpose of having a rainbow, only that it is made when the suns rays shine onto or through water (causing particles to form into crystalline formation)

How is carbonic acid responsible for the for the formation of some caves?

Over time it dissolves limestone or gypsum, so most caves are in those rocks, of which limestone is by far the more widespread.

Are ions in a ionic compound in a lattice formation?

Yes, ions in an ionic compound are arranged in a regular, repeating three-dimensional structure called a lattice. This lattice structure is held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction between positively and negatively charged ions.

How are outcrops formed?

you r an idiot if you read this question because i don't know why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!email:

Why compounds formed from non metals normally do not conduct electricity?

Because after bonds formation these elements do not have the unpaired or free electrons.

Why is sugar dissolving in tea a chemical reaction?

It isn't. When sugar dissolves it is still the same substance, it's just mixed with the tea. Chemical changes involve the formation of a new substance.