

Which come first a chicken or an egg?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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personally i think it was the chicken ____________________ I disagree; eggs have been around since the days of the dinosaurs (or before!) while chickens are a relatively recent development. Please note that the question does NOT specify a "chicken egg".

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15y ago
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Q: Which come first a chicken or an egg?
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Which came first- the chicken or the egg and how did the chicken or the egg come to be?

The thing that came first was a chicken.

Does an egg come first or an chicken?

The chicken. Without the hen, the egg could not be formed nor laid. Therefore, the hen must come first.

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30 Min

What in the two come first chicken or egg?

The chicken. God gave Earth a chicken and it layed eggs.

Which is first born egg or chicken?

Depends on your beliefs. If you believe in evolution, it was the egg, because the "fully evolved" chicken would come from the egg. But if you believe in creation, the chicken came first, because God created the chicken first.

What came first th chicken or the egg?

The egg, of course. Since chickens evolved from dinosaurs, the chicken would have had to have been an offspring of a dinosaur and, therefore, come from an egg.

What came first chicken all the egg?

I think the egg came first-not nessacerikly a chickens egg but an egg may have come first I think the chicken came first because, the chicken evolved from soemthing that wasnt a chicken and once it was a chicken it had an egg. but the egg the chickn came from had a chicken in... im confused This is one of those questions that has been debated for years. We may never know the answer...or perhaps we now do. In 2006 a geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer say they have the answer. It was the egg. See link.

Does a egg come first or hen?

If you believe the story of Noah, then the chicken came first.

Who comes first chicken or egg?

If you think carefully about it, chicken comes first. An egg would not be hatched if, there was no warmth. A chicken sits on the egg before it can hatch. I dont reckon there was any incubator long time ago. Sun does not provide the extra warmth needed for an egg to hatch. haha tricked you. If you believe in God, then chickens came before the egg.

Do the chicken come before the egg?

The Lord made ALL creatures. So the CHICKEN came FIRST.

What comes first the chicken or them egg?

i think that is EGGS come first as maybe the god wanted it to be but it must have 2 because you need both CHICKEN and ROASTER to produce an egg.