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Injury at the alveolar level impairs gas exchange in the lungs. That change in gas exchange in turn would case ineffective breathing.

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Q: Which comes first impaired gas exchanged or ineffective breathing impaired?
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No .the air which comes in and the air which is exhaled are constant and ia called tidal quantity.this refers to the amount of air completely exchanged ,whereas some amount of air is always present in the lungs which help in preventing the lungs from collapsing and no matter how much you force it doesnt come out .its volume is refered to as residual volume.this volume gets exchanged but is alwys present in the lung.

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What two gases are exchanged in your lungs when you breathe?

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The whales are breathing. They are mammals like people. They do not have gills like fish. I do not know why the mist comes up, but I am sure that when they do it they are breathing. I hope this helped

How do humans obtain oxygen?

We obtain oxygen by breathing in fresh air. Carbon dioxide comes out of us.

Does the size of the body and sex and activity and food affect breathing rate?

jane and madison rocks! it comes from your but-cheeks