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Petroleum and petroleum products

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Q: Which commodity forms the single largest item of india's import?
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What is the largest export from Mexico?

Manufactured goods. As a single commodity, that would be oil.

What is the single largest import of Pakistan?

Mineral fuel is the largest import of Pakistan. It is 16.5% of the overall imports and Pakistan spends billions of dollars every year for this purpose. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are the main countries from where Pakistan imports mineral fuel.

Mexico's Economy Type and Main Product?

Emerging market (manufacturing goods take the largest share of products produced and exported by Mexico). The single commodity with the largest revenue share would be oil, but the largest produced good would be motor vehicles.

What is the major product that is exported sold from Mexico?

The single largest commodity (2012) would be crude oil (13.16% of total exports), followed by machinery (8.97%) and motor vehicles (8.86%).

Which is the single largest import of Pakistan where does the bulk of this come from?

Mineral fuel and manufactured products are the main imports of Pakistan. Percentage vise mineral fuel and manufactured products are the largest proportion of the overall import which is approximately 33% of all imports. Other notable imports are tobacco, tea, machinery, cooking oil etc.

Which is the single largest import of Pakistan and where does the bulk of this come from?

Mineral fuel and manufactured products are the main imports of Pakistan. Percentage vise mineral fuel and manufactured products are the largest proportion of the overall import which is approximately 33% of all imports. Other notable imports are tobacco, tea, machinery, cooking oil etc.

How do you define one commodity country?

A one commodity country is a nation that depends to varying degrees on single commodities for large percentages of their total exports.

Is there a required commodity value minimum that requires NAFTA cert to be filed I read somewhere that no NAFTA cert is required unless a single commodity in the shipment equals or exceeds 2500?


How would one define a commodity?

Most of people agree with the idea that a one commodity country is a nation that depends to varying degrees on single commodities for large percentages of their total exports.

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The largest single digit prime number is 7.

What is the single cell?

Caulerpa is the largest single Cell organism. An unfertilized Ostrich egg is the largest single Cell; Ovums are single Egg Cells. Actually the largest single cell in the world is the giraffe neuron in a hind leg of the giraffe.

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desires for a single commodity can be satisfied