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Q: Which common electrical device contains an electric magnet?
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magnify glass
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What are the parts of an electric engine?

Actually an electric motor is a simple device. It contains a housing, wiring, brushes, electrical connections, and an electrical coil.

Is a laptop an electric device or machine?

It is an electrical-electronics device.

Which electrical device change electrical energy into mechanical energy?

electric motor

What electric motor?

A electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Which device converts mechanical energy to electrical energy?

An electric generator and an electric motor does the opposite!

Device that converts energy of motion into an electrical energy?

An electrical generator, these can produce AC or DC electric current.

A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy is?

An electric motor

What is a device that transforms mechanical energy to electrical energy?

An electric generator.

What is a Electric generator?

A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Can you store electric power?

Yes, a battery is an electrical storage device.

A device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy?

A motor is one example of a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

What is a device that changes electric energy into mechanical energy?

An electrical fan converts Electrical Energy to ME.