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Q: Which communites farming communitites were more complex but also less stable?
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Why did the Mayas start farming?

The Mayas started farming to ensure a stable food supply to support their growing population. Farming also allowed them to settle in one place and develop complex societies and cultures.

How did the emergence of farming affect civilization?

The emergence of farming allowed for a more stable and reliable food supply, which in turn led to sedentary societies, population growth, and the development of more complex social structures and civilizations. Farming also enabled specialization of labor, leading to the development of technologies, economies, and cultural practices.

How did farming change the lives of the of the stone age?

Farming in the Stone Age allowed people to settle in one place and cultivate crops for food. This led to the development of permanent settlements, a more stable food supply, and ultimately the growth of complex societies. Farming also enabled specialization of labor and the development of new technologies.

Why did human switch from hunter-gatherer societies to farming communities?

Humans switched to farming communities because it provided a more stable food source, allowing for larger populations to be sustained. Farming also enabled people to settle in one place, leading to the development of more complex societies and technologies.

How did farming change the lives of the people of the Stone Age?

Farming in the Stone Age led to a shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. This allowed for a more stable food supply, leading to population growth and the development of more complex societies. Farming also enabled specialization of labor, the development of technology, and the growth of permanent settlements.

Is an activated complex stable?

No, an activated complex is not stable. It exists during the transition phase of the reaction, and its existence is ephemeral. It either reverts to the reactants or converts to the products.

Why is the development of farming so important to the Stone Age?

The development of farming in the Stone Age was important because it led to a shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, allowing for a more stable food supply and the growth of populations. Farming also enabled people to produce a surplus of food, which led to the development of specialized skills, trade, and the rise of complex societies.

How did the discovery of farming lead to he development of cities among Americas earliest people?

The discovery of farming allowed for a stable food supply, which in turn led to the development of permanent settlements and larger populations. As these settlements grew, social organization became more complex, eventually leading to the establishment of cities among America's earliest people.

What role did farming play in development of early civilizations?

Farming played a crucial role in the development of early civilizations. It allowed for a stable food supply, which in turn led to population growth and the formation of settled communities. The surplus of food from farming also allowed for the development of specialized occupations, trade, and the rise of complex social and political structures. Overall, farming was the foundation upon which early civilizations were built.

How did the development of farming lead to the development of cities among the beliefs of early native Americans?

The development of farming among early Native Americans allowed for a more settled and stable way of life, leading to the growth of surplus food resources. This surplus enabled some individuals to specialize in activities other than farming, such as craftsmanship or leadership, which contributed to the formation of social hierarchies and the development of complex societies, including cities.

How did farming help the people of the Neolithic era?

Farming in the Neolithic era allowed people to settle in one place instead of being nomadic, leading to the development of permanent communities and civilizations. It provided a stable food source, which in turn allowed for population growth and the development of specialized skills and technologies. Farming also enabled people to produce a surplus of food, which led to the development of trade and complex social structures.

What provided more food hunting and gathering or farming?

It was (farming) a more reliable and stable food source than hunting/gathering.