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Iron is a solid as it is heatea with sulfur it forms iron sulfric k really i dont knw the answer i guess it :)

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2mo ago

Iron sulfide is formed when iron is heated with sulfur. This compound has the chemical formula FeS.

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Q: Which compound is formed when iron is heated with sulfur?
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What is the name of the compound formed when magnesium and sulfur are heated?

The compound formed when magnesium and sulfur are heated is magnesium sulfide (MgS).

What is formed when a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur is heated?

When a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur is heated, iron sulfide is formed. Iron sulfide is a compound composed of iron and sulfur atoms that have reacted together through a chemical reaction.

Why there is no substance formed when sulfur and iron is heated?

When sulfur and iron are heated together, they react to form iron sulfide. Iron sulfide is a compound, not a mixture, so it does not show the properties of its individual elements like sulfur and iron. The formation of this compound is a chemical reaction where the atoms of sulfur and iron rearrange to create a new substance with different properties.

What happens to iron filings and sulfur powder when heated?

When iron filings and sulfur powder are heated together, they undergo a chemical reaction to form iron sulfide. The iron sulfide produced is a compound that has different physical and chemical properties compared to iron or sulfur alone.

What compound is formed when you put sulfur and iron together?

When sulfur and iron are heated together, they react to form iron(II) sulfide, which is a black solid compound. This reaction occurs as the sulfur atoms bond with iron atoms to create a new substance with different properties from its individual elements.

What new substance is formed when iron and sulfur are heated?

When iron and sulfur are heated together, they react to form iron sulfide, also known as iron(II) sulfide, which has the chemical formula FeS. This compound is a solid with a black color and is commonly found in nature as the mineral pyrite.

What two products are formed when iron sulphide is heated in air?

Solid iron oxide and a poisonous called sulphur dioxide

Is heated sulfur and iron fillings is substance or mixtures?

Heated sulfur and iron fillings would be a mixture because they are physically combined and can be separated by physical means such as with a magnet.

What happen when iron filling is heated with sulfur powder?

Heating iron filings with sulfur powder will result in a chemical reaction known as a thermite reaction. This reaction produces iron sulfide and a significant amount of heat and light. The iron sulfide formed is a black compound.

What compounds are formed when iron and sulfur are heated?

When iron and sulfur are heated together, they react to form iron(II) sulfide, also known as ferrous sulfide (FeS). This compound is a grey solid with a metallic luster and is commonly found in nature as the mineral pyrrhotite.

When iron is heated with sulphur iron sulphide is formed. give the name or the solid formed when zinc is heated with sulphur?

The solid formed when zinc is heated with sulfur is zinc sulfide.

Does iron and sulfur react when they are heated?

Iron is a magnetic substance, which means it is attracted by a magnet. On the other hand, Sulfur is a non-magnetic substance. If you place a magnet near a mixture of Iron and Sulfur, the iron pieces will stick to the magnet, while the sulfur powder will remain.