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The concept of socialization is credited with making social life possible and behavior predictable. Socialization is the lifelong process through which individuals learn the norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors of their society, enabling them to interact with others and participate in social life in a predictable manner.

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Q: Which concept of culture is credited with making social life possible and behavior predictable?
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Which sociologist is given credit for coining the concept of the McDonaldization of Society?

George Ritzer is credited with coining the concept of the McDonaldization of Society in his book of the same name. The concept refers to the process by which principles of the fast-food industry are spread to other sectors of society.

What is Verstehen in sociology?

Verstehen, meaning "understanding" in German, is a concept in sociology introduced by Max Weber. It involves empathetically understanding the meaning individuals attach to their actions in order to fully grasp social behavior. This approach emphasizes the importance of subjective interpretation and cultural context in studying human behavior.

What is the stairs in the field of sociology?

In sociology, the term "stairs" is not a commonly used concept. It is possible that you may be referring to a specific sociological theory or concept under a different name. If you can provide more context or clarify the term you are referring to, I can offer more assistance.

What theories did Cooley Mead and Goffman contribute to self and socialization?

Cooley introduced the concept of the "looking-glass self," which suggests that individuals shape their self-concept based on how they believe others perceive them. Mead proposed the theory of "symbolic interactionism," which emphasizes the role of symbols and social interactions in shaping the self. Goffman introduced the concept of "impression management," highlighting how individuals carefully manage their behavior to create specific impressions in social situations.

Who invented the first social class?

The concept of social class has existed throughout history as societies differentiated between groups based on wealth, power, and privilege. There is no single individual who can be credited with inventing the first social class, as social hierarchies have evolved over time in various civilizations.

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