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Surge voltage, voltage step, voltage spike

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It is called a power surge.

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Q: Which condition refers to a sudden and dramatic increase in voltage which usually caused by lightning?
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Which condition refers to a sudden and dramatic increase in voltage which is usually caused by lightning?

The condition you are referring to is called a power surge. Power surges can damage electronic equipment such as computers and TVs if not protected by surge protectors.

Do registry mechanics help speed up a computer?

Yes,they do. But usually increase in speed is in microseconds.So if you want dramatic increase in speed,it's time to upgrade your computer.

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The glades fires form because they are in a dry condition it makes a fire, usually caused by lightning.

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The height of the dramatic shape of a 'blues song' usually correlates with the acoustics.

Do tornadoes cause lightning?

No. Since tornadoes form in thunderstorms they are usually accompanied by lightning, but they do not actually cause lightning.

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in falling actionexposition

Why aren't passengers usually injured when lightning hits a plane?

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Why 33KV LA Arrests only Lightining Not the voltage?

A lightning arrester (which, incidentally, is not limited to just 33-kV lines) is used to limit any sudden increase in line potential with respect to earth. Such increases in potential are usually due to lightning strikes on the line -hence the name. So lightning arresters, in fact, DO limit voltages.

What is the classic lightning called?

Classic lightning is simply called lightning. Lightning is an abrupt electrical discharge in the atmosphere. It is usually followed by a loud noise which it called thunder.

What is heat lightning?

Heat lightning is lightning from a distant thunderstorm. Because of the great distance, you never hear the thunder, and usually do not see the bolt, but rather a flash in distant clouds. It is usually seen at night.

What was carried by Zeus?

His symbols were the lightning and the eagle (and oak tree). He is usually depicted with a lightning in his hand.