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lyra...... is best pony

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Reese Lebsack

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Orchestra (2 flutes, piccolo, 2 oboes, English horn, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, percussion, 2 harps, strings)

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Q: Which constellation is represented as a harp like instrument played by Orpheus?
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Which constellation is represented as a harp-like instrument played by Orpheus?

lyra...... is best pony

What is the greek hero orpheus was talented at the playing trombone or the lyre?

Orpheus played lyre. Orpheus played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth.

What is the string instrument played by leperchauns?

Probably the Irish harp or the fiddle. Leprechauns are most commonly represented as playing the concertina, not any stringed instrument.

What are the weaknesses of Charon in Greek mythology?

He was lulled by Orpheus when he played him a song so he could tak orpheus across the river.

What was the song that orpheus played?

It isn't recorded from mythology.

How was Orpheus able to get into the Underworld?

When Eurydice died Orpheus played such sad songs and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept. On their advice, Orpheus traveled to the underworld and by his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone.

Who was the main singer in Black Orpheus movie?

Breno Mello, who played the role of Orpheo.

What is the fate of Orpheus and Eurydice?

Eurydice died from a snake bite while trying to escape from a Satyr. Orpheus was so distraught, he only played the most heart-wrenching music. At the behest of.. well... everyone, he traveled to the underworld to ask Hades for her back. Hades was a jealous guardian of his subjects, but Orpheus's music softened his black heart. He was allowed to take Eurydice back on one condition; that he must travel with her all the way back to the surface without looking upon her face. They were very near one of the entrances to the Underworld when Orpheus, unable to contain himself, looked back over his shoulder just in time to see Eurydice disappear back to Elyseum. After this Orpheus only played melancholy music. One day, he was stumbled upon by some Ciconian women (sometimes called Baccanites) who attempted to rape him. He shoved off their advances and when they tried to stone him, the stones refused to hit him because he played such stirring music. Eventually, they tore him to pieces. His Lyre was placed in the sky as the constellation Lyra.

How did Hades get the furies?

When Orpheus visited the underworld as a mortal in search for his wife Eurydice and then he played his music!

What movie and television projects has Kurt Marschner been in?

Kurt Marschner has: Played Mikroskop - Gelehrter und Staatsminister in "Die Reise auf den Mond" in 1964. Played Basilio in "Die Hochzeit des Figaro" in 1967. Played Adam - a chemist in "Die Teufel von Loudun" in 1969. Played 1st Prisoner in "Fidelio" in 1970. Played Orpheus in "Orpheus in der Unterwelt" in 1971. Played Schriftgelehrter in "Ein Stern geht auf aus Jaakob" in 1972. Played Der Narr in "Wozzeck" in 1972. Played Pluto in "Orpheus in der Unterwelt" in 1975.

What was Beethoven's must played instrument?

The instrument Beethoven played the most was the piano.

What movie and television projects has Orpheus Hanley been in?

Orpheus Hanley has: Played Sequel Police 2 in "Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers" in 1991. Played Speeder Orpheus Hanley in "Police Quest III: The Kindred" in 1991. Played Fish in "EcoQuest 1: The Search for Cetus" in 1991. Performed in "Ready 2 Rumble Boxing" in 1999. Performed in "Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2" in 2000.