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Q: Which countries in Asia are landlocked?
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How many countries in Aisia are landlocked?

There are two landlocked countries in Asia: Laos and Mongolia.

Name four landlocked countries in Asia?

The four countries in Asia that are landlocked are Bhutan, Nepal, Mongolia, and Afghanistan.

What are the two names of the two landlocked countries?

The two landlocked countries are Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan.

What countries are landlocked in Asia?

take an atlas, look at all the countries in Asia that don't touch any ocean. those ones

Are any Southeast Asian countries landlocked?

Tibet is the only landlocked country in Southeastern Asia. It is bordered by no water whatsoever.

Which of the Mediterranean countries is landlocked?

None of the Mediterranean countries are landlocked.

What is a landlock country in Asia?

A landlocked country in Asia is a country that does not have a coastline. Examples include Mongolia and Laos. These countries rely on neighboring countries for access to international waters for trade.

What continent has the most land locked countries?

Africa has the most landlocked countries of any continent. There are a total of 16 landlocked countries in Africa.

What are two landlocked countries that are surrounded by other landlocked countries?

Liechtenstein is a landlocked country surrounded by other landlocked countries: Switzerland and Austria. Similarly, San Marino is also a landlocked country surrounded by other landlocked countries: Italy.

What twelve Asian countries are landlocked including countries on the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea?

its the south america and north america,china,japan,and asia

What 2 countries are double landlocked?

Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan are the only two countries in the world that are double landlocked, meaning they are entirely surrounded by other landlocked countries.

What continent contains the largest number of landlocked countries?

Africa contains the largest number of landlocked countries, with a total of 16 landlocked countries.