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Q: Which country defeated the Arabs in the Battle of Tours Egypt France China Spain?
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Which country defeated Arabs in the battle of tours?

NovaNet answer----->>>> FRANCE

What country defeted the Arabs in the battle of tours?


What mayor of the palace defeated the Muslims at the battle of tours?

The Arabs were defeated in the Battle of Tours in 732 by the Merovingian Frankish Kingdom (the country that would eventually become France). Specifically, Charles Martel lead the Frankish forces.

What happened in 711 when France was invaded?

Charles Martel defeated the Moors/Arabs at Tours.

What country defeated the Arabs in the tour of battle?

The Christian forces that fought against the Muslim Arabs and Berbers were primarily Merovingian Franks that came from several different regions and feudal kingdoms, such as Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy, Swabia, Aquitaine, and the Lombard Kingdom. These areas are in the modern countries of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.

Arabs were defeated by which dynasty?

The is no famous dynasty that defeated the Arabs per se. The Seljuk Turks and Ottoman Turks inflicted heavy defeats upon Arabs. The Almoravid and Almohad Amazigh leaders handily defeated the Arabs in several wars. The Mongols led by Hülegü Khan destroyed the Abbassid Caliphate. The House of Windsor and the House of Bonaparte (of the UK and France) also handed the Arabs numerous defeats.

What country defeated defeated the Arabs in the battle of tours?

The Christian forces that fought against the Muslim Arabs and Berbers were primarily Merovingian Franks that came from several different regions and feudal kingdoms, such as Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy, Swabia, Aquitaine, and the Lombard Kingdom. These areas are in the modern countries of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.

What group of people defeated the Arabs in the tenth century and ruled for 400 yrs?

The Ottoman Turks defeated the Arabs in the 10th century and ruled for 400 years.

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What happened in 718?

The Byzantines defeated the Arabs and the second siege of Constantinople ended.

Which European country tried to take over south Asia?

Probably 4-5 France, dutch people, danish people, british, Arabs

What frankish leader defeated the Arabs as they advanced through Europe in the 700s?

Charles the hammer