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Q: Which country has a shoreline on the Arctic Ocean?
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What state has the second most shoreline?

Alaska besides being the largest state, is surrounded by the Pacific ocean, the Bearing sea and the Arctic. It has many islands and they all count for shoreline.

What Asian country has the same name as the Arctic Ocean?

There is no Asian country named after the arctic ocean. Russia borders the arctic ocean. perhaps you are thinking of India which is named after the Indian ocean?

What part of the ocean is not owned by a country?

The arctic ocean

Do Mongolia get tsunamis?

No. Being a landlocked country, Mongolia has no ocean shoreline. Tsunamis are large ocean waves.

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what country extends from the arctic ocean to the black sea

What country is Canada's neighbor across the arctic ocean?

Russia. The North Pole/ Arctic isn't a country so if you look at the top of a globe and cut across the Arctic Ocean you get Russia

Which country is the closest to the south arctic ocean?

Here are the countries that touch the Arctic Ocean Norway Russia Alaska Canada Greenland (they're also the five countries that have Polar Bears) Although these are the countries closest to the arctic ocean they are not the closest to the south arctic ocean for there is no such thing as the south arctic ocean. The arctic ocean is in the NORTH.

Which state has a shoreline on two oceans?

Alaska. The northern part of it is bordered by the Arctic Ocean, while the more southern parts are bordered by the Pacific.

A country borded by the arctic ocean in china?


What is the capital of the country that borders both the arctic ocean and the US?

Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, the only country that borders both the Arctic Ocean and the United States.

What country borders Australia coastline'?

No country can border a coastline, especially the East coast of Australia, a shoreline of the Pacific Ocean.

What 3 oceans border Canada?

The Pacific Ocean is on the west coast of Canada, the Arctic Ocean is at the top of the country and the Atlantic Ocean is on the east coast of Canada.