

Which country is Ambracian Gulf in?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Which country is Ambracian Gulf in?
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What was the octavian defeated Antonys fleet in battle near?

Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.Octavian defeated Antony's fleet in the Battle of Actium. Actium is a tongue of land guarding the Ambracian Gulf off the western coast of Greece.

With sea was the battle between Antony and octavian?

It was the Battle of Actium, which was at the Ambracian Gulf in the southern Ionian sea.

Where were Antony and Cleopatra defeated?

Octavian's fleet defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. Actium was in the northern part of Greece off the Ionian Sea. Actium itself, is a tiny peninsula guarding the entrance to the Ambracian Gulf.

Where was the Actium battle located on the map?

The battle of Actium was fought off the western coast of Greece. Actium itself is a little finger of land that narrows the entrance to the Ambracian Gulf.

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Romania is not a gulf country.

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Iran is a country on the Persian Gulf.

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What is the smallest country in the persian gulf?

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What is the Gulf of Oman near?

The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.The Gulf of Oman is near the country of Oman and near the Persian Gulf and is part of the Indian Ocean.

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No, Syria is not a gulf country it is belong to sham countries.

What is a small country on persian gulf?

Bahrain is the smallest country on Persian Gulf.